‘We Too Should thrive’: It’s All Delight At Uganda’s First ‘Albino-Only’ Home Written by: Rhonet Atwiine. Film and Photography: Richard Mugambe, Serina Kirabo, Moses Sserunjogi and Elisha Kizito. Watch Documentary When Sandra Nakyeyune had a preterm birth at  Lacho, a Hospital in Kasana near the central Ugandan town of Luwero, she did not know that

Claiming Place: Ugandan Women Team Up to Challenge ‘Men-Only’ Construction Sector Written by: Hellen Kabahukya. Filmed by Richard Mugambe , And Elisha Kizito Watch Documentary When a career in journalism took too long to fruit, Sandra Nalubwama ventured into marketing construction materials to survive.   “I remember telling a client who wanted adverts that I could

Power of Conversations: Community Journalism Distills Dialogue For Better Public Service Delivery Written by: Rhonet Atwiine. Filmed by Richard Mugambe Documentary Coming Soon In Uganda’s northwestern city of Arua, it has become a common occurrence for leaders and community members to meet, and forge away forward on what they term as “pressing issues”. Usually, the

Co-creating A Literate Future: ‘Army’ of Teenage Readers Rises Against Educational Inequality in Uganda Written by: Hope Kalamira. Filmed by Richard Mugambe Watch Documentary Over the years, early learning in low-resource communities in Uganda has been defined as wanting in quality, and retention.   That whereas most children are going to school more than ever, they

Restoring Smiles: Feeding Center Serves More than Nutrition to Children With Cleft Defects In Uganda Written by: Rhonet Atwiine. Filmed by Richard Mugambe and Ephraim Bukenya. Documentary Coming Soon For close to 10 years, Damalie Namuwanga has earned a household name in the world of babies with clefts, and palate abnormalities in the communities of

6 Ways to Make Your Look Fitvery Occasion

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Bike Movement Peddles To An Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Kampala City

Eco-Friendly Wheels: Biking Movement Dares Kampala’s Mass Transit Pollution Written by: Leticia Mmeeme

Innovator Pioneers Banana-made Fabric to Uganda’s Textile Industry

Eco-friendly Fashion: Innovator Pioneers Banana-made Fabric in Uganda Written by: Hellen Kabahukya. Photography

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